It was many years ago that I began to have visions and dreams. These dreams and visions began after I preached my first sermon. I was a young boy still in school ...I then began to have deep experiences with the Holy Ghost that changed my life forever.
I was young and didn't want to sound crazy to people so many things I kept to myself and hid them in my heart.
It was during these early years of ministry that a hunger for the things of God was birthed in me.....
In one vision, I had just lay down to go to bed. In a split second I was standing in a field of wheat that was swaying with a gentle breeze that was blowing. I looked around me and in the distance there stood a man.Immediately when I saw him I knew he was Jesus. He began to wave his arms for me to come near him. I began to walk towards him and when I got close enough to touch him He turned and began to walk away.....He motioned for me to follow, and i did.
We walked through this field and we entered a town, I could see many people who were going about daily life routines. They were shopping, laughing, children playing, and other were just standing mingling around what appeared to be a outside market.
When the people say us they immediately began to cry JESUS! JESUS! JESUS !
The people began to run and gather sick people and they brought multitudes of sick people and began to line them up in the street.........I watched as Jesus would lay his hands on some, others he waved his hand over them without touching, yet others he never touched he just spoke the words "BE HEALED"
In this vision I watched as cripples began to walk, blind eyes came open, deaf ears were unstopped.....I saw people who were paraplegics bodies came into perfect wholeness.
There were many who had various cancers, and other diseases I watched all of this I noticed the look of pleasure on Jesus face........I could see that he wanted to heal, he took pleasure in healing the people. It wasn't out of anger or the righteousness of the people........He enjoyed healing and he had such love for the people.
There were waves of glory that flowed from him to the people.....I was amazed because I kept thinking that he would soon run out of power to heal........but he didn't waves upon waves of glory just flowed as people got up out of wheelchairs, canes were thrown down, shouts of joy and praise went up from the people as they gave GLORY TO GOD.
Suddenly i was back in the field of wheat that was still waving in the gentle breeze that was blowing.......I was standing there with Jesus alone and he looked at me , and I will never forget the beauty of his eyes.....they were piercing, yet gentle,.....he spoke and said ....NOW YOU GO DO LIKEWISE.
As quick as the vision started it ended, I immediately sat up in the bed, with both my hands up speaking in tongues and praising God.
This is why I have such a passion to see the sick healed and to see lives changed........
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