Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saving our Communities

I spent Saturday afternoon at a funeral service for a young black man that was murdered in the North Memphis area. This heinous crime was committed at the Boom Boom Room located on Danny Thomas. there was another young black man that was also shot and he is fighting for his life as we speak.

As I looked on the faces of the hundreds of young black youth that attended this memorial service I was amazed at the anger and hopelessness that shown on their faces. Some will not reach the age of 40 because they will fall victim to the streets that will rob them of their lives.

In the 30's- early 70's the fear of many blacks living in the south was murder by the KKK or a white hanging mob. I remember stories that my Father, and other older people told me about the horrors of those times.
Black people would cower in fear when cars would come down the roads in Mississippi late at night. Many times the cars carried white mobs filled with hatred and murder. Many black men were taken for a ride and never seen alive again.

The times have changed cars still ride through the black communities but they are not filled with the KKK, or even a terrorist cell with plastic explosives. These cars are filled with black young men , and women who now have become the new terrorist in our communities. Violent crime has increased among our youth, the music , and the attitude of murder has taken hold of many.

How true the bible is when it speaks about our time

2Ti 3:1  You must understand this: In the last days there will be violent periods of time.
2Ti 3:2  People will be selfish and love money. They will brag, be arrogant, and use abusive language. They will curse their parents, show no gratitude, have no respect for what is holy,
2Ti 3:3  and lack normal affection for their families. They will refuse to make peace with anyone. They will be slanderous, lack self-control, be brutal, and have no love for what is good.
2Ti 3:4  They will be traitors. They will be reckless and conceited. They will love pleasure rather than God

Our youth are at risk , and we must act quickly to help them.

We have seen that our neighboorhoods have changed , for the worst. New homes are going up all over the "inner city" but the mindset of many has remained the same. We as the Body Of Christ must reach out and claim our communities for Jesus.

I would love to play the blame game and point my finger at white folk, slavery, the government, baby daddies, trifling mothers, preachers, and politicians. Playing the blame game has not worked before and it will not work now.

I believe that in order to get this job done we must began in our homes first. Parents take charge of your homes. Be an example for your children, show them the love of God flowing from you to them. Get back to some old fashioned spanking while they are young. Get up out the bed on Sundays and bring the family to a church in your community.

Don't be afraid to call the police on wrong doers. We sit back and watch crime happen and will not say one word about it until it hits our address then we want the entire neighboorhood to tell everything they know.
If we don't reach our young black men many will die, or find themselves locked up in jail.

What are your thoughts on this

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